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søndag 6. februar 2011

What did you REALLY learn in school today?!

In the curriculum Kunnskapsløftet you can read that one of the five basic skills, is that the pupil must have digital competence. It looks like this is a tremendous challenge for schools today.

Digital tools in school

As you can see in this video, pupils finds it natural to use the digital tools that they are surrounded with ever day. The teachers has the responsibility to convey the subjects of learning in a way that brings all the pupils to achieve understanding. Hopefully, using the digital tools, will reach more of the pupils. The school of today is extremly theoretically based, and a lot of children will welcome the computers in the classroom. The reason is that the youth are familiar with computers, and many of the pupils wants a diversion from the theoretically teaching. They also see the value of the computers as a digital tool which make their work more effectiv.

What kind of digital tools are appropriate to present for the pupils? First of all, it is an enormous number of tools to choose between. If we look for something that can be used in general, my first thought is mindmap


The mindmap helps to structure and organize all the information the pupil has around a theme. They also will take advantage to the mindmap when they have to practice for a test.

If you are teaching older pupils, it could turn into a big success to use social medias in the classroom. A lot of pupils have their own profile on Facebook. This is an arena where they feel comfortable and "at home". An idea for the Norwegian class could be to challenge the youth making their own poems and publish in the Facebook area which is organized for the group. Or they may find a poem or a text which means a lot for them and publish it on the Facebook wall. Of course one of the tasks is to write and tell why they like this so much. 

In my opinion schools owe the pupils to take ICT seriously. Digital skills is one of the five basic skills and if they don´t get to use this wonderful tool in their education, they are getting fooled by the school system. The teachers and the school owners has to take the responsibillity and ensure that the pupils gets what they are entitled to! 

lørdag 5. februar 2011


What is happening to our language? And where is it going to end? 

I have learned a lot of new words during the past years. This is thanks to the galloping use of the social media. First it was the cellphone with its sms-abbriviations. Then different social networks popped up faster then mushrooms in a moisty wood. But are all this new words necessary in our language?
Internet relay chat

In the community of today most children are on facebook and they have a cellphone. Some even have their own blog. "Everyone" are chatting! In all theese social networks use of cyber language is extensive. How do all this abbrivations affect the childrens ability to spell correctly? In my opinion it will be difficult for young children who is going to learn to write, to distinguishe what is correct spelling and what is cyber language. I doubt all parents knows the meaning of: 

  • ROFL MAO, LOL, BTW, MILF, PW, BRB, Facerape, WTF, IRL, JFGI and FYI. 

Well, if they don`t, may be it is an idea to check up the meaning of these letters :-) 

English words and phrases in our language are freequently used, especially among the younger generation. The new literacy is here to stay. Some may think this phenomenom is ruining our language. In the other hand this can be an enrichment and helps spice up the language. Examples of english words which is often used among the youngsters are: 

  • skills, nice, join, burn, sorry, by the way, nasty, chill, grose, insane, fighte, fuck you, nerd, disgusting, game. 

People also use hole phrases in norwegian sentences and mix up both languages. This is mostly used in spoken language. Well, what can we say about this development? I`m sure there are different opinions on the topic. 

What is the problem anyway? If you can make yourself understood why can`t you use what language you want. BTW the new literacy are here to stay, you can`t stop this developing. Our language is changing, it is not static, and has never been. ^_~