Digital tools in school
What kind of digital tools are appropriate to present for the pupils? First of all, it is an enormous number of tools to choose between. If we look for something that can be used in general, my first thought is mindmap
The mindmap helps to structure and organize all the information the pupil has around a theme. They also will take advantage to the mindmap when they have to practice for a test.
If you are teaching older pupils, it could turn into a big success to use social medias in the classroom. A lot of pupils have their own profile on Facebook. This is an arena where they feel comfortable and "at home". An idea for the Norwegian class could be to challenge the youth making their own poems and publish in the Facebook area which is organized for the group. Or they may find a poem or a text which means a lot for them and publish it on the Facebook wall. Of course one of the tasks is to write and tell why they like this so much.
In my opinion schools owe the pupils to take ICT seriously. Digital skills is one of the five basic skills and if they don´t get to use this wonderful tool in their education, they are getting fooled by the school system. The teachers and the school owners has to take the responsibillity and ensure that the pupils gets what they are entitled to!
Hello Monica. I like your blog. we are talking about the same issue. I linked your blog to mine. Hope that`s Ok. I think it is important that teachers are using ICT in classrooms. We live in a digital world, and we have to educate these children for a digital world. I think the main issue is that many teachers don`t have enough knowledge about computers and digital equipments. Do you agree?
SvarSlettHi, Inger-Tora :-)
SvarSlettThank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! I totally agree with you, ICT depends on the teachers in many ways. But we have to ask ourselves why it is like this. I think we have to look above the teacher-level - to the education for teachers. Does the academy for teachers take ICT seriously? I am not sure! At the university I am participating for my teacher-education (for the 3. year now). The focus and practesing on ICT is at a very low level. On the data-lab, for instance, they still use Word 2003 and the overhead-projector is still inn use. I think we have to look at the different academies for teacher-education, and hope they get up their eyes for ICT. It is important that the digital world we live in is brought in to schools!
I couldn`t agree more! It is some years since I finished my education, but I am not suprised at all. Maybe it`s the place to start, with university teachers?